Going off topic today. I just spent most of my day in a Red Cross CPR/AED class offered here at work, renewing my certification. Between Boy Scouts and lifeguarding, I have been trained in first aid and CPR for 10+ years. Fortunately (knock on wood), I've never had to use my knowledge beyond minor cuts and bumps. However, I feel good knowing that I could help out if something ever did happen.
If you've never taken a class, I strongly recommend that you take basic First Aid and Adult CPR/AED. Most community centers offer classes, and some offices (like mine) have started offering these classes to employees. If you work at a larger office, especially if you have an AED in your building, ask your employer about training. If you took CPR more than 1 or 2 years ago, the curriculum has changed and it's definitely worth a refresher.
Just having the confidence to take charge of a situation, call 911 and provide some basic level of care (especially CPR/AED) can mean the difference between life and death. You owe it to yourself, your coworkers, your children, your significant other, your friends, and even the complete strangers you pass on the street. After all, wouldn't you want someone to be able to help you if you ever needed it?
Wow, good call - I think the last time I did anything like that was the required course from Mr. Amstrong in high school. It's 10 hard, rib-cage crushing shots to the chest, then two short breaths, right? I think it's time for a refresher.