No photo for me this week. I took a bunch of photos of family around Christmas, but nothing for sharing on Flickr. I also don't have access to my iMac, so I don't have a way to process RAW images. Probably could have grabbed a cell phone shot to share, but I didn't. Them's the breaks. I guess I can have one week off...
Thanks to all of you who *did* post a photo this week. Rather than pick a favorite, I'm going to share all the wonderful holiday shots here.
"Cardinal" by kristanhoffman:

"Xmas dec" by irv_b:

"Xmas 2010" by DebPaul2010:

"Shooting star" by chofler:

Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. Have a happy new year! Last week of the project, let's see what you've got :)
[title of blog] on flickr
Aw, thanks for putting my photo up! And happy new year to all!